TIDE’s second career fair, held on August 10th, 2018 was a day of major community engagement! On the breezy, warm Friday morning, Toledo’s public extended their support to another TIDE undertaking by attending and supporting Career fair 2018. The employment-positive fair, was a concluding activity for the second year of training courses, attached to the CARSI Economic Support Funds Project. The project was a preventative measure, meant to decrease the impact of various negative social issues in Toledo, including: unemployment, drug/drug trafficking, school dropouts, crime, and violence. The CARSI project was funded by the US Embassy, Belize and executed with the collaboration of Toledo’s Department of Youth Services.

The venue for TIDE’s event was Punta Gorda’s Central Park and with the much-appreciated assistance of the Belize Defence Force, temporary booths were constructed to house a number of businesses, governmental and non-governmental factions and training displays.
Career Fair 2018 saw booth displays from a number of the program graduates among those; food & beverage, backyard gardening, landscaping, manicure & pedicure, sewing and textile, tour guiding, and weed eater repair.

The event had great attendance from Toledo’s stakeholders and allowed the course graduates a prime opportunity to market themselves and garner some business for their products and services. It is TIDE’s sincere hope that all graduates will find themselves engaged in constructive, successful business enterprises.