TIDE Acting Executive Director Mr. Leonardo Chavarria presented TIDE’s approach to addressing the solid waste crisis at the dump site during a recent BTIA meeting. Mr. Chavarria emphasized sustainable, long-term solutions to tackle the issues facing PG’s main garbage site.
In attendance were the Toledo East and Toledo West Area Representatives, members of BTIA, the Tour Guide Association, the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, other NGO representatives and local community members.
Addressing solid waste disposal in ecologically sensitive areas such as the garbage dumpsite located in Toledo requires a holistic, sustainable, and environmentally conscious approach…

During the meeting TIDE’s Acting Executive Director mentioned that the current garbage situation in Toledo needs immediate action to mitigate the environmental impact and ensure responsible disposal.
It was proposed that immediate action should be taken in the short term such as ensuring that the garbage taken to the site is properly separated, and as much as possible dumped in an area where leaching to the water table can be avoided as much as possible.
A recommendation was also made to create buffer zones between the waste disposal sites and ecologically sensitive areas to reduce contamination risks and protect habitats.
Likewise, the transfer station needs to be activated and as agreed under the Solid Waste Management Project 2, the dumpsite (after activation of the transfer station) should be closed.