Three communities in Stann Creek district

Three new Stakeholder Communities

As the year draws to a close, TIDE’s Education and Outreach team, along with Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve (SCMR) Project Manager Florencio Coc, embarked on a crucial outreach initiative, visiting three communities in the Stann Creek district: Hopkins, Riversdale, and Seine Bight. With TIDE’s recent assumption of co-management responsibilities for SCMR, engaging with a wider range of stakeholders has become paramount.

Fishers from these communities hold fishing rights within the SCMR, and while not all actively fish there regularly, establishing and maintaining open lines of communication is essential for effective management and collaboration. These initial “meet and greet” sessions aimed to introduce TIDE, explain our role in the reserve’s management, and begin building relationships with these key stakeholders.

We were fortunate to be joined by Andrea Co, Education and Outreach Officer from SEA (Southern Environmental Association), whose expertise proved invaluable in orienting the team to these new communities and facilitating introductions. This collaborative effort with SEA underscores the importance of partnership in achieving our shared conservation goals.

TIDE is excited to begin working with the residents of Hopkins, Riversdale, and Seine Bight and looks forward to future collaborative outreach activities with SEA. We believe that by working together, we can ensure the long-term health and sustainability of the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve.

Andrea Cowo, TIDE Education and Outreach Team, and Florencio Coc visit Hopkins
Meeting Ms.Barbara Nunez , principle of Hopkins School
Mr. Coc took a few minutes to help demonstrate how to change a scroll saw blade to a group of students at Miss Bertie’s Hopkins Community Library
TIDE discusses community with Ella of Ella’s Cool Spot & Hopkins Village Council
TIDE discusses sustainable fishing as they meet Mr. Strings
Meeting Mr. Blaine of Hopkins Village
Mr. Augustine of Seine Bight