Sunday, October 9, 2022, 6 am
Postponed till 16th October
Registration Fee:
Engines with less than 50Hp – $30.00 per boat
Engines with 50Hp and above – $50.00 per boat
Deadline for registration – October 14, 2022- 5:00 p.m.
1st Place: Largest fish (minimum weight – 10 lbs.) Cash Prize:
2nd Place: Three Largest fish by weight – (3 different species) Cash Prize:
3rd Place: Largest Jack (minimum weight – 5lbs.) Cash Prize:
- A video of catch needs to be submitted on return from fishing trip.
- Maximum of (4) persons allowed per boat. Any additional person pays BZ$10.00
- No long lines, gill nets, set lines, spear gun, harpoon, dive equipment, or striking of fish
- Towing line is accepted, No set lines
- Participants must respect fishing regulations and those of the Port Honduras Marine Reserve
- Registration fee must be paid before leaving the TIDE dock
- No Shark, Catfish, Long Guard Fish, Permit, Tarpon, Bonefish, No Jewfish (Goliath Grouper)
- Tournament begins at 6:00 a.m. at TIDE wharf. Please synchronize your clock/watch with TIDE staff.
- All boats must return to TIDE wharf by 1:00 p.m. sharp (no grace period)
- All crafts will be inspected before leaving and can be checked by park rangers during fishing
- Use of life jacket is compulsory
- TIDE’s judges will determine winners
- If a fish wins in one category, it cannot be used in another
- TIDE is not responsible for any incidents that may occur as a result of the competition
- Alcohol use is strongly discouraged during the tournament!
- Fishers are allowed only in PHMR
To register, contact: Stephene Suapul at 722 – 2431/2274! GOOD LUCK!